The region of the municipality has a rich history. The archeological finds near the town of Aitos testify that its existence dates back to the V century BC. Khan Tervel is the first Bulgarian ruler of Aitos. The fortress Aitos has taken a crucial part in the defensive system of the Bulgarian lands against the sudden attacks of the Tartars, the Avars and the Grusaders. In 1378 the town has been conquered by the armies of Murad sultan. During the Russian – Turkish war (1828 – 1829) the legendary general Dibich Zabalkanski has turned the town in your a strategic strong point. Ater the peace signed in Odrin in 1829 many of its citizens have moved to Besarabia. During the Renaissance the population participates actively in tha national struggles for liberation Vasil Levski organize a revolutionary commitee in the town. After the liberation Aitos has become a vivid commercial centre, bigger than Bourgas. A big fair is held here! The town of Aitos is the cente of an office of a mufti. The mosque is promoted for a historical monument. Ethnical problems do not exist. Aitos municipality is characterized with rich natural potential. Although small in size it prossesses various earth formations. Its northern parts along the entize east – west extend are occupied by the soughtern spurs of the low (up to 700m) Aitos mountain. The mountain slopes are cut by many ravines. The prevailing slope of 11 – 20 degrees allow the tracing and the leveling of the slopes and their utilization for cultivations of perennial crops – vineyards and orchards. The southern part of the municipality is occupied by Aitos field, which is peripheral part of Bourgas valley. It is located on a quota from 60 to 100m with a slight inclination towards Aitoska river. Considering the flora, the region of Aitos forestly, which encloses the municipalities of Aitos and Ruen, is included into the plain and undulating oak tree zone. Although not high Aitos mountain is of rich fauna composition. Few town in Bulgaria can boasts of a big park such as Slaveeva reka. It has given a shelter to The Small Aitos Etar – The Alley of the old crafts, which has treasured the traditional Aitos style in the construction. Aitos municipality offers good conditions for the potential invastitors mainly due to the lower price of the sites for construction and the price of the right for the utilization of municipal immovable properties. The industrial zone in the town of Aitos, which is provided with engineering infrastructure, offers good chances as well. There are free production capacities in almost all enterprises in the town due to the entire economic crisis and the breaking of the commercial relations with the markets in the ex Soviet union.
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